
How To Draw Female Fairy Anime

How to draw a fairy stride by step

What you need:

Colour pencils Art Grip Aquarelle, India Ink Pitt Artist Pen S, Graphite pencil Grip 2001 2B, Brush

The world of elves, goblins and nature spirits offers plenty of scope for heady stories and beautiful drawings. The figure in our film is a cheeky footling fairy who is on her way through an enchanted wood. She has her dorsum turned towards us, which ways her delicate, semi-transparent wings are particularly prominent. She is looking at united states of america over her shoulder, as if she were inviting u.s.a. to come with her.

Step 1

To draw your figure, get-go make a preliminary sketch on the A4 drawing paper. It is best to start with a simple stick figure then add the joints to it. You tin can bring out the playful, cheeky and nimble spirit of your wood fairy by means of the correct bodily posture. That's why her left shoulder is raised slightly and her dorsum is shaped with a slight hollow.

The cartoon should not completely fill the A4 paper, because otherwise there volition not be enough room for the background afterwards.

Footstep 2

Give your fairy a little more than plasticity past means of basic geometrical shapes such every bit cylinders. When doing this, make sure you draw the proportions and the overlaps so that there are not too many lines meeting at one signal. In this step, incidentally, y'all must also determine how much volume the body of your fantasy effigy requires so that it will take the typically tender and delicate shape of a fairy, whilst at the same time not looking too thin and frail.

Step 3

Now give your figure pilus, a dress, stockings, gloves and wings. These wings extend for just less than two thirds of the fairy's body size. Turn the trunk a piddling more towards the observer and give the head typically elfish ears. If the new elements give rise to undesirable overlaps, you can improve the position of the limbs a little more at this point. Now you can too consider how spare the costume should be, and how elaborate the other details can be at most, in order to avoid distracting from either the trunk shape or the wings. This is why her hair has also been kept rather curt.

Step four

In the next step, build upwards your fairy completely as shown in the flick. At present you have completed your preliminary sketch. This volition help you lot to guess better which areas should subsequently be coloured more than delicately or more strongly with the coloured pencils in club to reach a outcome that is as plastic as possible. Besides, yous will be able to bring out the difference between those parts of the picture which are opaque and those which are semi-transparent. You lot volition also observe it easier to determine what eye size is most advisable and how the folds of the costume should run.

Pace 5

You lot can make your final alterations to the preliminary sketch. The forms of the fairy'due south torso are now a chip fuller, the left leg more than acutely angled and the wings have been made smaller. Following this, use graphite paper to transfer the field of study to a sheet of A4 watercolour newspaper. Work over the lines over again with a fineliner pen and erase the pencil lines that are even so visible.

Stride 6

Nosotros recommend placing your watercolour paper on an unused canvass of paper. This will prevent the structure of the underlying surface (e.chiliad. tabular array console) from pressing through. On the fineliner cartoon, ground out the in dividual surfaces using the Fine art GRIP watercolour pencils. When doing this, concur the pencil as apartment every bit possible and stroke it carefully over the newspaper in club to fill in the individual areas. You should resharpen the pencil from time to time if required. To give a greater impression of depth and three-dimensionality, you tin can reduce or increase the intensity of colour awarding at particular points in the flick. For example, the wings and clothes specially must exist coloured more delicately so that they will announced more than transparent subsequently on. You can see the difference in the application of colour on the hair, parts of the costume and the rear wing which is accomplished past painting over with a moisture castor. This method enables you to create various surface structures.

Footstep 7

The next step is to colour in all the elements of the figure as shown in the illustration. Don't forget to vary the intensity of colour awarding. You can refer to your preliminary pencil sketch from step 04 to see where the darker areas should be. The ability to paint over Art GRIP watercolour pencils with water means you lot tin achieve beautiful colour transitions and shadings really easily with a moist brush. The finished elf is wearing cheerful, shining colours which underline the expression of her playful character. Add more structure to the wings and the fringes of her costume afterward they have stale, using the fineliner.

Step 8

At present draw in the background image, once again by making a preliminary sketch on a new sheet of DIN A4 cartoon paper. Our fairy is continuing in the heart of a living greenwood. Outline old trees with thick bawl and thick roots, continuing amidst long grass. The grid will aid yous to divide the sheet of paper sensibly. The landscape has been kept rather unproblematic, and the private surfaces are clearly separated from one another so that the fairy clearly stands in the foreground in spite of her delicate colouring in some areas.

Step 9

When y'all are satisfied with your preliminary sketch, draw it out cleanly a second time on a new sheet of A4 watercolour paper. Then footing out the background according to the illustration using the Art GRIP watercolour pencils. At points where you want to create more depth, y'all must follow upward the shading of the area by applying somewhat more color. In the spaces between the copse, yous can create warm sunlight falling through the leaves past using a little xanthous. Following this, paint over the various coloured areas with a moistened brush, in guild to create the soft transitions between the colour applications of different intensity within the individual areas of colour. Finer details such as the individual stalks of grass will exist added in the next step.

Step 10

Equally soon as the background has dried, add together individual stalks of grass and requite more structure to the treetops and the bark past a dry application of color.

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