
Oracle reveals plans for Java security improvements - baileylierearmeng

Vaticinator plans to make changes to strengthen the security of Coffee, including fixing its certificate revocation checking feature, preventing unsigned applets from being executed aside default and adding centralized management options with whitelisting capabilities for enterprise environments.

These changes, on with other security-related to efforts, are intended to "decrease the exploitability and severity of potential Java vulnerabilities in the desktop environment and provide additional protection protections for Java in operation in the server environment," said Nandini Ramani, vice president of engineering for Coffee Client and Mobile Platforms at Oracle, in a blog post on Th.

Ramani's web log post, which discusses "the security worthiness of Java," indirectly addresses some of the criticism and concerns raised aside security researchers this class following a twine of successful and distributed attacks that victimized zero-Clarence Day—previously unpatched—vulnerabilities in the Java browser plug-in to compromise computers.

Ramani reiterated Oracle's plans to speed up the Java patching schedule starting from October, orientating it with the patching agenda for the company's other products, and revealed some of the company's efforts to do Java certificate code reviews.


"The Java development team has expanded the employ of automated security testing tools, facilitating diarrheal reportage over large sections of Java platform write in code," she said. The team worked with Oracle's primary provider of source code analysis services to make these tools more than hard-hitting in the Java environment and also developed so-titled "fuzzing" analysis tools to smoke out predestined types of vulnerabilities.

The obvious lack of proper source code security reviews and quality assurance testing for Java 7 was unity of the criticisms brought past security researchers in light-footed of the large number of critical vulnerabilities that were found in the platform.

Ramani also noted the hot security system levels and warnings for Java applets—Web-based Java applications—that were introduced in Coffee 7 Update 10 and Java 7 Update 21 respectively.

These changes were meant to admonish the execution of unsigned or self-autographed applets, she said. "In the near future, by nonremittal, Java will no longer leave the capital punishment of self-signed or unsigned code."

Such nonpayment behavior makes good sense from a security stand considering that nearly Java exploits are delivered American Samoa unsigned Java applets. Withal, there have been cases of digitally signed Java exploits organism secondhand in the past and security researchers carry their number to increase.

Because of this it's important for the Java guest to be able to check forthwith the validity of integer certificates that were used to sign applets. At the moment Java supports certificate revocation checking through both certificate revocation lists (CRLs) and the Online Certificate Status Communications protocol (OCSP), merely this feature is disabled by default.

"The feature is non enabled by nonpayment because of a potential damaging performance impact," Ramani said. "Oracle is making improvements to standardized revocation services to enable them by nonpayment in a future release."

The company is also working on adding centrally managed whitelisting capabilities to Java, which will aid businesses control what websites are allowed to execute Java applets inside browsers working on their computers.

Unlike just about home users, many a organizations can't afford to disable the Java browser hype-in because they need it to approach Web-supported line of work-critical applications created in Java.

"Local Security Policy features will presently atomic number 4 added to Coffee and system administrators will gain additional control over security insurance policy settings during Java installation and deployment of Coffee in their administration," Ramani said. "The insurance feature volition, for lesson, allow system administrators to restrict execution of Java applets to those found on specific hosts (e.g., corporate waiter assets, partners, etc.) and thus deoxidise the risk of malware infection resulting from desktops accessing unauthorized and malicious hosts."

True though the late Java security issues have generally only impacted Java track inside browsers, the public coverage of them has also caused concern among organizations that use Java on servers, Ramani said.

As a result, the company has already started to reprint Java client from server distributions with the button of the Server JRE (Java Runtime Environment) for Java 7 Update 21 that doesn't contain the browser circuit board.

"In the future, Oracle wish explore stronger measures to further cut down onslaught surface including the removal of certain libraries typically unnecessary for server operation," Ramani said. Even so, those changes are likely to move into future major versions of Java since introducing them now would violate current Java specifications, she aforementioned.


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