
How To Draw Resonance Structures In Mastering Chemistry

Task Steps
Add an atom of one of the following elements: H, C, N, O, S, F, P, Cl, Br, I
  1. Click the element symbol.
  2. Click in the drawing area.
Add any atom
  1. Click Periodic table .
  2. Click the element symbol in the periodic table.
  3. Click in the drawing area.
Add an atom list or not list
  1. Click Periodic table .
  2. Click either Atom List or NOT list.
  3. Click the element symbols to be listed.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click in the drawing area.
Add an atom and its bond to an existing atom
  1. Click the element symbol for the new atom.
  2. In the drawing, drag from the existing atom away until the symbol for the new atom is displayed under the pointer.

Note If you drag to the existing atom, it is replaced by your new atom.

Add two bonded carbon atoms
  1. Click and hold the bond button to expand it.

    This button displays the last selected bond type — by default, single bond .

  2. Click single bond .
  3. Click in the drawing area.
Add a chain of carbon atoms
  1. Click draw chain .
  2. In the drawing, drag until the number of carbon atoms you want to insert is displayed under the pointer.
Some questions : Add an R-group
  1. Click Smart R-group .
  2. Click in the drawing area.

Note If Smart R-group is not available, add any atom and change it to an R-group.

Important Right-clicking an atom and selecting + R-group attachment does not add an R-group.

Replace an atom
  1. Click the element symbol for the new atom.
  2. Click the atom to be replaced.
Change an Atom

Note This can be used to add a query atom or R-group when those tools are not available.

  1. Right-click an atom in the drawing and click Atom properties.
  2. For Change to, select Query or R-group.
  3. Query atoms: Type the label in Atom.
  4. R-groups: For R, click unlock and then type the R number.
  5. Click OK.
Add a bond between existing atoms
  1. Click and hold the bond button to expand it.

    This button displays the last selected bond type — by default, single bond .

  2. Click the bond type you want to use.
  3. In the drawing, drag from one atom to another.


Some bond types are not available for all questions .

If the bond does not end at an existing atom, a carbon atom is automatically added at the end of the bond.

Change a bond type or direction
  1. Click and hold the bond button to expand it.

    This button displays the last selected bond type — by default, single bond .

  2. Click the bond type you want to use.
  3. Click the bond to be changed.
Increase or decrease an atom's charge
  1. Click increase charge button or decrease charge button .
  2. Click an atom. Click until the correct charge is shown.

Note To add a + sign between reactants, see Add a + sign in a reaction.

Some questions : Add radicals or lone pairs to an atom
  1. Click and hold the radical / lone pairs button to expand it.

    This button displays the last selected item — by default, increase radical .

  2. Click either increase radical or increase lone pairs button .
  3. Click an atom. Click until the correct number of radicals or lone pairs is shown.
Some questions : Draw a curved harpoon to show the movement of electrons
  1. Click and hold the bond button to expand it.

    This button displays the last selected bond type — by default, single bond .

  2. Click and hold the electron flow button to expand it.

    This button displays the last selected electron flow arrow — by default, electron flow double arrow .

  3. Click either electron flow single arrow or electron flow double arrow .
  4. Drag from the source electrons (or bond) to the target atom.


    Candidate source atoms are highlighted when you move the pointer over them.

    If you click a source atom, it is zoomed in so you can drag the source electrons.

    The electron flow arrow points to an incipient bond between the atoms.

  5. Click the electron flow arrow to toggle its target between the incipient bond and the target atom.

How To Draw Resonance Structures In Mastering Chemistry


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